Nowadays, all the nutritionists are putting a lot of emphasis on the extra virgin olive oil, because it has been considered to be one of the healthiest products in the world. This oil is extracted from the fruit solely by mechanical means.
Fruit must be of high quality and the temperature of the pressing process cannot exceed 40 degrees. This is why this process is known as cold-pressing, because only pressure is used. No solvents or others chemical compound are put into the oil. Therefore, it is pure, natural, extracted directly from the seeds.
The olive was native to Asia Minor and spread from Iran, Syria and Palestine to the rest of the Mediterranean basin 6,000 years ago. Olives have been found in Egyptian tombs from 2,000 years BC and the use of oil is found in many other religions and cultures. The olive culture was spread to the early Greeks then Romans, and Prophet of Islam, Muhammad, advised his followers to apply olive oil to their bodies.
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