Vitalia Nikola i Dr. DOO

Owner: Iskra Vetadjokoska-Mucunska

Address: Str. 516 Nr. 10, Skopje
Telephone: 0038923217177
Fax: 0038923217176
E-mail: [email protected]
Industries of Export

Health Food

Company Information

Company Type: Exporter

Company management

Director: Iskra Vetadzokoska-Mucunska, Tel: 0038923217177, E-mail: [email protected]
Procurist: Marija Ivanova, Tel: 0038923217177, E-mail: 0038923217177

Extract of management responsive for a company's business operations aboard

Iskra Vetadzokoska - Mucunska, Tel: 0038923217177, E-mail: [email protected]

Description of company

Market leader in health food production Eastern Europe Partners : Unilever, Tesco, Aldi, Metro, Walmart, Prizmart, Lenta� Export in 55 countries world wide 28 years expertise in PL and brand development Full health food range: protein, sugar free, vegan, gluten free, RAW, plant based proteins BRC, IFS, SMETA, UTZ, ORGANIC KOSHER HALLAL Awards: SUPERBRAND, BestBUY, STUBrand, Qudal
Additional data about a company
Registration number:
Tax number:
Basic activity:
Organizational form:
Source of capital:
Number of employees:
Size of company:
Exports share in income:
Tradition since:
Total equity:
Total assets:
Demands and Offers