Ruen-Inox Automobile

Owner: Dragan Jordanov

Address: Teodosija Paunov, 32, Kocani
Telephone: +389 33 270 960
Fax: +389 33 270 504
E-mail: [email protected]
Industries of Export

Automotive industry

Company Information

Company Type: Exporter

Company management

Director: Dragan Jordanov, Tel: /, E-mail: [email protected]
Procurist: Katerina Apostolova, Tel: +389 70 279 643, E-mail: +389 70 279 643

Extract of management responsive for a company's business operations aboard

Kocev Boban, Tel: +389 71 279 649, E-mail: [email protected]

Description of company

Factory, manufacturing clutch parts since 1952. With premium quality and long experience. Nowadays we are suppliers to many of the Premium brands, and we sell our products in more than 40 Countries. Our focus is on Truck clutch program.
Additional data about a company
Registration number: /
Tax number: /
Basic activity: /
Organizational form: /
Source of capital: /
Number of employees: 200
Size of company: Medium
Exports share in income: /
Tradition since: 1952
Total equity: /
Total assets: /
Demands and Offers