
Owner: Branko Trajkovski

Address: 11 Oktomvri 25, Skopje
Telephone: +38923151404
Fax: n/a
E-mail: [email protected]
Company Information

Company Type: Exporter

Company management

Director: Branko Trajkovski, Tel: +1 866 355 5552, E-mail: [email protected]
Procurist: Pandorka Mishkova, Tel: +389 78 375 679, E-mail: +389 78 375 679

Extract of management responsive for a company's business operations aboard

Branko Trajkovski, Tel: +1 866 355 5552, E-mail: [email protected]

Description of company

Bransys is IoT company that specializes in fleet and asset management solutions, private label IoT software and hardware. Bransys designs and develops the next generation line of Asset Tracking IoT Gateways and provides PCB Assembly Services.
Additional data about a company
Registration number: 6356710
Tax number: 4030008029122
Basic activity: Software and hardware development
Organizational form: LLC
Source of capital: /
Number of employees: 30+
Size of company: small
Exports share in income: /
Tradition since: 2008
Total equity: /
Total assets: /