AGRAR Ko dooel

Owner: Jasna Stoimirovska Velichkov

Address: 23 Gosho Vikentiev, Kocani
Telephone: +38977990555
Fax: +38933271040
E-mail: [email protected]
Industries of Export


Company Information

Company Type: Exporter

Company management

Director: Jasna Stoimirovska Velichkov, Tel: +38977990555, E-mail: [email protected]
Procurist: Vlatko Stoimirovski, Tel: +38978215925, E-mail: +38978215925

Extract of management responsive for a company's business operations aboard

Jasna Stoimirovska Velichkov, Tel: +38977990555, E-mail: [email protected]

Description of company

Family business with over 30 years of experience in production of peppers as semi final or ready products to serve industries, food service and retail internationally. Today we are a leading company in production of cherry peppers in various colors, packaging, and recipes for the purpose of offering innovative solutions in the field of antipasti for stuffing.
Additional data about a company
Registration number:
Tax number:
Basic activity:
Organizational form:
Source of capital:
Number of employees:
Size of company:
Exports share in income:
Tradition since:
Total equity:
Total assets: