Kuli Confection

Owner: Mr. Vasil Marinovski

Address: Aleksandar Makedonski 158, Prilep
Telephone: + 389 48 433 111
Fax: + 389 48 413 541
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: https://kuli.com.mk
Industries of Export

Textile and clothing

Regions of Export

European Union

Company Information

Company Type: Exporter

Company management

Director: , Tel: , E-mail:
Procurist: , Tel: , E-mail:

Extract of management responsive for a company's business operations aboard

, Tel: , E-mail:

Description of company

Additional data about a company
Registration number:
Tax number:
Basic activity:
Organizational form:
Source of capital:
Number of employees:
Size of company:
Exports share in income:
Tradition since:
Total equity:
Total assets:
Products and services
Demands and Offers