China IP SME Helpdesk

Owner: China IP SME Helpdesk

Address: Brussels, Aracinovo
Telephone: + 32(0)471089056
Fax: //
E-mail: [email protected]
Industries of Export
Regions of Export


Company Information

Company Type: Other

Company management

Director: //, Tel: //, E-mail: [email protected]
Procurist: //, Tel: //, E-mail: //

Extract of management responsive for a company's business operations aboard

Jim Stoopman, Tel: //, E-mail: [email protected]

Description of company

The China IPR SME Helpdesk provides free information and services in the form of jargon-free first-line confidential advice on intellectual property and related issues, plus training, materials and online resources. The Helpdesk raises awareness about IPR matters in China affecting European SMEs, and helping them make informed IPR decisions.
Additional data about a company
Registration number:
Tax number:
Basic activity:
Organizational form:
Source of capital:
Number of employees:
Size of company:
Exports share in income:
Tradition since:
Total equity:
Total assets:
Products and services
Demands and Offers