Owner: Agricorp S.A.M

Address: BUL.KIRO GLIGOROV BR.4, Skopje
Telephone: 003892551662
Fax: 003892551662 EXT.14
E-mail: [email protected]
Industries of Export


Company Information

Company Type: Exporter

Company management

Director: Herve Appert, Tel: +38978416403, E-mail: [email protected]
Procurist: Saso Iliev, Tel: +38978482344, E-mail: +38978482344

Extract of management responsive for a company's business operations aboard

Vesna Arpashi, Tel: +38978482336, E-mail: [email protected]

Description of company

About us: Bonum is a North Macedonian company which produces fresh and canned mushrooms as well as a wide range of high-quality processed vegetables. Our products are sold under our own brand as well as under the label of our customers. We work with domestic and international distributors of food commodities and supermarket chains; in addition, we offer bulk packaged products suitable for catering, hotels and restaurants. Our state-of-the-art production lines enable us to process a wide variety of Balkan-specific products as well as standard products suited for the international market. We offer a wide variety of product sizes and flexibility on meeting customer requests for packaging, labels and recipes. RAW MATERIALS We have our own mushroom facilities and we source high-quality vegetables from local producers. All our suppliers meet EU requirements. PRODUCTION Our modernized production lines enable the production of a wide variety of vegetables and canned food. We also have the capacity to create products using our clients a��specific recipesa��. Our qualified team of engineers, technologists and food specialists have the knowledge, skills and experience to maintain the highest standards of production activities required by the European Union. LOGISTICS / EXPORT Our products are exported under EUR1 and our dedicated operational team is equipped to coordinate the logistics and export of our products. We practice a customer-centric approach, where our priority is to understand and meet the needs of our clients in a proactive manner. OUR CUSTOMERS We build strong long-term relationships with our local and international customers. Our products are sold under our own brand as well as under the label of our customers. Local Market: Bonum is one of the main suppliers of fresh mushrooms for the North Macedonian market. Export Our products are also exported to EU, Serbia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Switzerland and Canada
Additional data about a company
Registration number:
Tax number:
Basic activity:
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Source of capital:
Number of employees:
Size of company:
Exports share in income:
Tradition since:
Total equity:
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Products and services
Demands and Offers